After massive snow storms, Niabi Zoo experienced significant damage to facilities and infrastructure including collapse of various animal habitats. Repairs and construction are well underway but help is still needed.
Click the button below to give a donation to help the Zoo recover.

The fastest way to give and make an immediate impact is to give online.
Click the button below to go directly to our donation page to securely give a donation.

If you would prefer to write a check, you can snail mail your donation.
Make the check out to Niabi Zoo Foundation and write a note stating it is a donation and include your contact information (full name, address, phone, email).
Mail the check and note to
Niabi Zoo Foundation
12908 Niabi Zoo Road
Coal Valley, IL 61240

In-kind gifts in the form of materials, equipment and services are also gratefully accepted at Niabi Zoo!
If you have something you would like to donate, please contact us and we can discuss the possibilities.

Want to be part of the zoos exciting mission? Make a tax deductible contribution to the Niabi Zoo Annual Appeal. The annual appeal provides critical support for educational programming, exhibit creation and renovations, facility maintenance, and much, much more.
If you would like to make a contribution, please contact us and we can discuss the possibilities.

If you love the work Niabi does to provide top notch animal care, wildlife conservation, and environmental education, we hope you will consider the gift of a lifetime by remembering the Zoo in your estate planning. Your generous behest would be a lasting gift impacting generations to come.
If this is something you would be interested in, please contact us and we can discuss the possibilities.