Enrichment items add choice, change and complexity to the lives of the animals here at Niabi!
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Program Fee: There is a fee to cover the purchase of the JZK uniform shirt, ID badge, and training costs. The fee for this program is $50 and is due on the first day of training.
Assumption of Risk: The undersigned acknowledges and understands that activities undertaken by the volunteer may involve a certain degree of risk of personal injury and injury to personal property, which may result from the volunteer’s participation therein. The undersigned further acknowledges and assumes all risk of injury and/or damage to the volunteer, which may result from any reason whatsoever.
Statement of Non-discrimination: The Niabi Zoo provides programs that are accessible to the public without regard to race, color, gender orientation, national origin, age, religious, or political affiliations, or disability.
Statement of Understanding: I understand that volunteering at the Zoo requires developing a unique set of skills through training, regular practice and a regular time commitment. I understand that I must attend all training sessions on the dates offered. After attending all required training sessions, I agree to commit at least 40 hours of service at the Zoo (one 4 hour shift per week over the course of 10 weeks).