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Class Dates & Descriptions:

Endangered Species Series:

  • January 25 – Amphibians & Reptiles
  • February 8 – Umbrella Cockatoo
  • February 22 – Red Wolf
  • March 8 – Giraffe
  • March 22 – Gibbon
  • April 5 – Pollinators


January 25 – Amphibians & Reptiles

Learn about adorable Axolotls and exciting Elongated Tortoises and how the pet trade and habitat loss has led to the near extinction of many amphibians and reptiles. See these animals on an exclusive tour!

February 8 – Umbrella Cockatoo

See how the exuberant Umbrella Cockatoo, famous for its dancing ability,  has nothing to celebrate when it comes to deforestation of its natural habitat. See our Cockatoos on an exclusive tour!

February 22 – Red Wolf

Find out about the most endangered canid on the planet, the Red Wolf is trying to survive persecution and overhunting their prey. You’ll have an opportunity to see our Red Wolves on an exclusive tour!

March 8 – Giraffe

The tallest animal in the world, the Reticulated Giraffe, as well as other hoofed animals are facing a crisis from the illegal Bushmeat Trade. What can be done to help our towering friends? Find out and see our big boy Kenya on an exclusive tour!

March 22 – Gibbons

Monkeys and apes are considered primates. All apes, great and small are endangered including the Buff-Cheeked Gibbon. The loss of habitat for human use such as Palm Oil plantations poses one of the greatest threats to our closest relatives. Check out our primates on an exclusive tour!

April 5 – Pollinators

Pollinators are responsible for nearly 30% of the food we eat.  Yet we are seeing the greatest reduction of pollinators in human history due to pesticide use and loss of habitat.  Rusty Patched Bumblebees are an endangered species Niabi Zoo is working to save along with other at risk pollinators such as the Monarch butterfly and so many more.  See our pollinator gardens on an exclusive tour!

Class Times:

Animal Tales: Ages 4-5*                       10:00 am – 11:00 am     *Requires an adult to attend with your child

Animal Adventures: Ages 6-9              12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Animal Expeditions: Ages 10-13          2:30 pm – 4:00 pm


Single Class:

Animal Tales: Ages 4-5*                        Zoo Member = $12         Non-member = $15    *Requires an adult to attend with your child

Animal Adventures: Ages 6-9              Zoo Member = $16          Non-member = $20

Animal Expeditions: Ages 10-13          Zoo Member = $16          Non-member = $20


Get the 6 pack and receive a 10% discount!

Ages 4-5*             Zoo Member = $72-10%=$64.80               Non-member = $90-10%=$81    *Requires an adult to attend with your child

Ages 6-9              Zoo Member = $96-10%=$86.40               Non-member = $120-10%=$108

Ages 10-13          Zoo Member = $96-10%=$86.40               Non-member = $120-10%=$108

*No refunds on missed classes

Registration for Zoo Classes

Please complete the form below then click the Payment button at the bottom of the page. When payment is received, your registration will be complete.

Payment Process

The Payment button will take you to Niabi’s payment selection page. Please read all of the instructions at the top of payment selection page.

  • Select the Zoo Classes: On the payment selection page, you will select the Zoo Classes under the age range and date you prefer by clicking the shopping bag icon to the left of the title.

You will then be prompted to:

  • Log-in or create a new account: You will need to log-in by entering your username and password or if you do not have an account, create a New Account.
    • If creating a new account, be sure to enter the date of birth for each member of your household as each Zoo Class selects pricing by age.
    • Once logged-in, you should be taken to the Shopping Cart page where you will be able to complete your payment.

Zoo Classes Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Parent/Guardian Name*

Participant Information

Name - Child 1*
Enter a number between 4 - 13. Please note: For ages 4-5 years, a parent/guardian will attend with the child.
Please enter a number from 4 to 13.
Choose classes for Child 1*
This selection is the date of the classes you prefer. You can make single or multiple selections based on your interest or select them all. You will be able to select the age range and dates for available sessions on the next page. The ENDANGERED SPECIES SERIES includes:
Name - Child 2
If another child will be attending the same or a different Zoo Camp, please enter their name.
Enter a number between 4 - 13. Please note: For ages 4-5 years, a parent/guardian will attend with the child.
Please enter a number from 4 to 13.
Choose classes for Child 2
This selection is the date of the classes you prefer. You can make single or multiple selections based on your interest or select them all. You will be able to select the age range and dates for available sessions on the next page. The ENDANGERED SPECIES SERIES includes:
Name - Child 3
Enter a number between 4 - 13. Please note: For ages 4-5 years, a parent/guardian will attend with the child.
Enter a number between 4 - 13
Please enter a number from 4 to 13.
Choose classes for Child 3
This selection is the date of the classes you prefer. You can make single or multiple selections based on your interest or select them all. You will be able to select the age range and dates for available sessions on the next page. The ENDANGERED SPECIES SERIES includes:
Name - Child 4
Enter a number between 4 - 13. Please note: For ages 4-5 years, a parent/guardian will attend with the child.
Enter a number between 4 - 13
Please enter a number from 4 to 13.
Choose classes for Child 4
This selection is the date of the classes you prefer. You can make single or multiple selections based on your interest or select them all. You will be able to select the age range and dates for available sessions on the next page. The ENDANGERED SPECIES SERIES includes:


Do any of the children require accommodations for a special need we should be aware of during Zoo Classes?*
Do any of the children have any allergies we should be aware of?*