Zoo Camp T-shirt Order Form
*READ FIRST: Before completing the form below, go to My Account at the top of this page and Sign-in to your household account. Then come back to this page to complete your order form.
Please complete the form below then click the Payment button at the bottom of the page. When payment is received, your shirt order will be complete. T-shirts can be ordered for Parent/Guardian and Camp participants for $20 per shirt.
Payment Process
The Payment button will take you to Niabi's Retail page.
- Sign-in: If you haven't already, you will need to log-in by clicking Sign-In in the upper right corner before completing the form below. Enter your username and password to be sure the shirt purchase is made through your account.
- If you do not sign in before completing the form below, you will end up on the Home page after signing in. If you have submitted the form below already, you can select the Retail box at the bottom of the home page to get back to the shirt selection page to make your purchase.
- You must submit the form below before attempting to make your payment, otherwise we will not know which size shirt you want.
Click on Keyword Search and type in the word CAMP and click the Search button.
After the search is complete, click on the shopping bag to the left of the Item to add it to your cart.
On the next page, enter the number of shirts you would like to purchase and click Continue.
In your Shopping Cart, click Proceed to Checkout to complete your purchase.