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Zoo Camps

If you know a child that would enjoy learning more about animals, habitats, and the challenges they face, Zoo Camps are the place to be! These fun, informative, interactive learning experiences include hands-on activities, special zoo tours, and up-close animal observations!

Zoo Camp Information

Registration for Summer 2025 is open!

Age Appropriate – Each Zoo Camp curriculum is designed to be age appropriate to meet the attention, interests, and developmental needs of each age range, therefore it is important that the age guidelines are followed.

Duplicate Sessions – For each age range, there are multiple opportunities to attend Zoo Camp. For ages 4-5 years and 6-7 years, the AM session is the same as the PM session. Sessions in June are the same as the sessions in July/August. Please only register your child for one session.

  • Ages 4-5 & 6-7: 5 days, partial day = $120 for Zoo Members, $150 for Non-Members
  • Ages 8-9 & 10-13: 5 days, full day = $200 for Zoo Members, $250 for Non-Members
  • Membership Perk: Zoo Members receive a 20% discount. Member status will be verified after selecting the Member price when registering. Become a Zoo Member or renew your membership before registering to receive your discount.
  • Scholarship: If a situation exists that prevents a family from being able to afford to send a child to Zoo Camp, they can apply for the Mary Lou Ries Education Program Scholarship to cover a portion or all of the costs of Zoo Camp. To apply for scholarship assistance, email to request a scholarship application.
  • Children age 4-5 years must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver to stay for the duration of the camp.
  • Food: Snacks will be provided at each session, except for 4-5 years. Lunches are only necessary for those registering for full-day sessions (Ages 8-9 and 10-13).
  • Drinks: Each child should bring a refillable water bottle as water will be provided.
  • Camp Description: Locate the camp sessions at the bottom of this page on our events calendar and select the session of interest to see the description.
  • Weather: Zoo Camp is held rain or shine, hot or cold. Prepare your child appropriately.
  • Camp t-shirt: Be sure to provide the shirt size of your Zoo Camper as a Camp t-shirt is included with paid registration.
  • Refunds/Transfers: Fees are non-refundable after 21 days from the start date of the Camp. Cancellations prior to 21 days will incur a 10% cancellation fee.  You may transfer sessions directly from your Active account if space is available in the alternate session.
  • Registration: We understand that in the past the registration process wasn’t as user-friendly as it could be. For your convenience, we are now using the Active registration platform which streamlines the registration and payment process. When you select the Register button below, you will go to the Active registration page.


For questions or to be added to our education contact list, please email us at

Current Month


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02jun(jun 2)9:30 am06(jun 6)11:30 amZoo Camp: Age 4-5, Session #1 AMThe Funky Flock9:30 am - 11:30 am

02jun(jun 2)1:00 pm06(jun 6)3:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 4-5, Session #1 PMThe Funky Flock1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

09jun(jun 9)9:00 am13(jun 13)12:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 6-7, Session #2 AMThe Happy Herd 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

09jun(jun 9)1:00 pm13(jun 13)4:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 6-7, Session #2 PMThe Happy Herd1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

16jun(jun 16)9:00 am20(jun 20)4:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 8-9, Session #3The Painted Pack9:00 am - 4:00 pm

23jun(jun 23)9:00 am27(jun 27)4:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 10-13, Session #4Creative Colonies9:00 am - 4:00 pm


07jul(jul 7)9:00 am11(jul 11)4:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 10-13, Session #5Creative Colonies9:00 am - 4:00 pm

14jul(jul 14)9:00 am18(jul 18)4:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 8-9, Session #6The Painted Pack9:00 am - 4:00 pm

21jul(jul 21)9:00 am25(jul 25)12:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 6-7, Session #7 AMThe Happy Herd9:00 am - 12:00 pm

21jul(jul 21)1:00 pm25(jul 25)4:00 pmZoo Camp: Age 6-7, Session #7 PMThe Happy Herd1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

28jul01augZoo Camp: Age 4-5, Session #8 AMThe Funky Flock 9:30 am - 11:30 am

28jul01augZoo Camp: Age 4-5, Session #8 PMThe Funky Flock 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


28jul01augZoo Camp: Age 4-5, Session #8 AMThe Funky Flock 9:30 am - 11:30 am

28jul01augZoo Camp: Age 4-5, Session #8 PMThe Funky Flock 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


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