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Animals & Habitats
White spot Assasin-bug
Scientific Name
Platymeris biguttatus
Western to Southwest Africa
Conservation Status
Not assessed by IUCN

Eye” See You

White spot assassin bugs get their name from the two large white spots on their wings. This is a form of aposematism, where an animal has bright colors to warn predators that they are toxic. The spots can also trick the predator into thinking that they have been seen, so the assassin bug is left alone. Because of this, these bugs are also called white eyed assassin bugs.

Long Nose

White spot assassin bugs have a long nose called a proboscis. They use this proboscis to feed on crickets and beetles. Assassin bugs usually have it rolled up into their thorax to protect it.


To learn more, download the White Spot Assassin Bug fact sheet.