Panthera uncia
Central Asia
Ghost in the Mountains
Snow leopards are quite elusive and are rarely ever seen in the high mountains of Central Asia. They are crepuscular, meaning they are typically active during the dawn and dusk hours of the day.
Opportunistic Predator
Snow leopards are carnivorous and primarily stalk and hunt for Blue sheep or Ibex as their favored meal. However, they will also consume other ungulates, birds and small mammals. The Snow leopard employs a stalk and ambush method of hunting. Due to their large paws and elongated hind legs, they can jump 20 feet vertically and leap 50 feet horizontally in order to catch their prey on steep mountain slopes.
Communication Methods
These solitary cats use claw raking on trees, scraping the ground, urinating or head rubbing on rocky outcroppings and trees to communicate with one another and mark out their territories. This method of communication is heightened during breeding season.
To learn more, download the Snow Leopard fact sheet.