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Animals & Habitats
Simandoa Extinct Cave Roach
Scientific Name
Simandoa conserfariam
Normally the Simandou region of Guinea in Africa. They are now only found in human care.
Conservation Status
Extinct in the Wild

Extinct Roach?

The Simandoa Cave Roach is also known as the Extinct Roach. They originate from one mountainous cave from the Simandou region of Guinea, West Africa.  The only cave they inhabited was destroyed by a bauxite mining operation. As a result of losing their entire habitat, they are extinct in the wild. However, they still exist due to the breeding efforts in zoos and the pet hobby.

Interesting Eggs

Female Simandoa cave cockroaches lay eggs in an ootheca. This is an egg case that some insects lay instead of individual eggs. The ootheca maintains hydration for the young and protects them from danger.

Clean-Up Crew

Simandoa cave cockroaches are detritivores. This means they will feed on decaying matter in their environment. This behavior is crucial because it helps to keep their habitat clean.


To learn more, download the Simandoa Cave Roach fact sheet.