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Animals & Habitats
poison dart frog
Scientific Name
Phyllobates bicolor
Central and South America
Conservation Status
Near Threatened


This frog lives a colonial lifestyle on the forest floor, near small streams and rivers in the rainforests. With consistent rainfall and high temperatures, the habitat in this frog’s range is constantly green.

Food Habits

Young tadpoles sometimes eat one another when they are in smaller areas of the forest. As the young change to frogs and mature they consume insects like termites, ants and beetles (arthropods).

Important Impact

In Colombia, native peoples have historically used these frogs’ poisonous skin secretions to coat the ends of hunting arrows. Hunters have been able to secure jaguars, primates and birds. The batrachotoxin secretions of this species of frog have proven to be for more than just hunting applications. Benefits of this toxin have been applied to human medicines such as anesthetics, cardiac stimulants and muscle relaxants.